Thursday, June 29, 2006


Lots of bugs here in southern Indiana.

Big Bugs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are biologists aware of what's going on w/ the mutant houseflies in your area? Maybe this is a whole new genre ? Don't encourage these beasts. Please . Free publicity is the last thing we should be providing to them. Did you see " The Fly " about 18 years ago ? I shudder to think of what could happen if any of that movie ever comes true.

Let me clue you in. I was wrong when I suggested ultra -vi was an appropriate response to that twit aka "coach " who thinks popsicle embargoes turn children into men, BUT... I just know I'm right on this. That damn fly probably has a bigger brain than Mr. Popsadistical , the appalling little league fink !

Some would say I'm naive by depending on your site for ALL of my information about our world..but can you spell S-E-L-E-C-T-I-V-E ? That's right I'm very discriminating about where i spend my curious moments. Thought I had happened on a pleasant little niche here...but I'm getting advance premonitions of nightmares coming on . Birdseye's fauna are lo se fucking cierto scaring me worse than I wanna' let on. If you're try'in to drive me insane you don't have very far to go. I'm about a Texas inch from re-subscribing to the " Detroit Free Press " and losing ground fast. Meaning : Sayonara birdseye bulletins...get the picture ,you rural propaganda mill ?

-hoping for more balanced coverage, what about bunnies ? ..ain'tcha got some fluzzy little flop -eared hoppers to take pictures of ? J.Joslin ( WE NEED CUTE REAL BAD ON THIS SITE !!!! ) - thank you